Our club relies on volunteers.
Each team must have a coach who receives a token of thanks.
If you would like to coach but don’t know where to start the club can support you with coaching clinics at both club and association level and there are many members of our club who will happily help you. Let us know if you are interested. Many of our coaches started by attending a clinic and are now very valuable to our club. It can be a very rewarding experience.
Team Managers:
Each team must have a team manager
Team managers play a vital role in a team running efficiently. If you feel that you could fill this role you won’t be left on your own. We have a Coach/Team Manager meeting each season to explain the role. Team Manager is not a daunting task but an organised Team Manager is very important to the season running smoothly for the whole team.
Each team is rostered several times throughout the season. All parents are expected to take part when rostered
A scorer and timer are required for each game. You will receive a roster for these jobs
If you are able to help out in some way, or have any expertise that may be helpful to the club, no matter how small, please contact a committee member.